His Love is Yours

Have you ever seen The Passion of the Christ? If not, I implore you to watch it. If you have, watch it again. I was watching it this evening, and even though I’ve seen it a few times, it’s just so powerful and an amazing reminder of what Christ went through for us. Not gonna lie, the movie is pretty graphic, especially the scene where Jesus is being whipped; that’s pretty hard to watch. But the graphic nature of that movie is what is so special. It really shows us what Jesus went through to bridge that chasm between man and God, therefore bringing us to perfection through His sacrifice.

Jesus went through an incredible amount of pain for YOU. You were bought at a price. By the way, there’s nothing we did, by any means, to earn such a gift. At all. It was purely grace that God sent His son into this broken, dark world to die for us and save us. That being said, God loves you so much. So, so much. So much so that He sent His son into the world, to be rejected, beaten, and have his father turn His back on him because God couldn’t stand to look at Him because Jesus took all of our sin upon himself. Think of all the things you’ve ever done, said, or the thoughts that entered your mind. Jesus, who was 100% perfect by all accounts, took all of that darkness upon himself so that you may be free. Free from the power of death, free from this world. 

Think about this: despite all of those things that you’ve done, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross washed them all away, and God remembers them no more. At all. Period. They’re done. (Check out Psalm 103:11-12 and Isaiah 43:25) Remember, there’s absolutely nothing you could ever do that will separate you from God’s love and there’s nothing you could do to make Him love you less. He loves you no matter what, and His arms and His love are always open to you. 

Run to Him. 

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